Step 1:
Go to and click on the 'Upload a Scorecard' button:
(Note that you would need to sign up in order to “search a scorecard”)
Step 2:
Enter in the company's VAT number and expiry date as it appears on the certificate or affidavit and click ‘Next Step’.
Note that the expiry date will always be a year after the signature date, minus one day, ie 365 days from signature.
Step 3:
If the VAT number entered in Step 2 above has never been uploaded onto the Beagle system previously, please skip ahead to Step 4 below.
If the VAT number is known to the Beagle database, you will be notified that a company with that VAT number has already been uploaded onto the Beagle database:
You can now either load your certificate against an existing name (selected from the drop-down if more than one option exists, as could be the case in a consolidated structure) or you could load the certificate against a new company (the last option on the drop-down). This will lead you to Step 4.
Step 4:
You will be prompted to capture information as per the certificate or affidavit:
Region: or regions of operation - you can select multiple regions or choose national if they operate country wide
Commodity: What commodity does this organisation trade in - this is list is however limited, so if the commodity is not on the list, please indicate the commodity as "Other"
Company size: Either Generic, QSE or EME; as per the certificate / affidavit
Type of evidence: either BEE certificate or affidavit
Verification agency: Only applicable if the type of evidence above is a BEE certificate
Level: The B-BBEE level as per the certificate or affidavit
Value adding supplier: Only applicable to entities measured under the Transport Sector Codes
Empowering supplier: Applicable to all entities other than those measured under the Transport Sector Codes; note, currently all suppliers with compliant BEE certificates/affidavits are considered empowering:
Black ownership: This is a percentage as per the certificate or affidavit
Note: This refers to the Modified black ownership percentage.
If the Modified Flow Through Principle has been applied to enhance the black ownership percentage, the BEE certificate will indicate this. As an example, in the below extract, you can see the “Principle Applied” is “FTP”. This means the “Flow Through Principle was used, and not the Modified Flow Through Principle. In that case you know that the black ownership percentages in both fields should be the same
Black female ownership: This is a percentage as per the certificate or affidavit
Black ownership (flow-through): A percentage as per the certificate.
Note: This refers to the black ownership percentage using only the Flow Through Principle, and NOT the Modified Flow Through Principle.
If the Modified Flow Through Principle has been applied, this field will always contain a lower percentage that the first field titled “Black Ownership”.
Again, note that the BEE certificate will indicate whether the Modified Flow Through Principle has been applied.
For any EME’s or QSE’s using affidavits, an assumption can be made that the Modified Flow Through Principle was not applied and so these two fields will always contain the same black ownership percentage in these cases.
Black designated group ownership: This is a percentage as per the certificate or affidavit
Certificate number: as it reflects on the certificate
To complete the upload, click on “Choose File” to select the document from your computer.
Then click on the 'Upload Certificate' button.
You will receive the below notification that the upload was successful
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