Below is a step-by-step process on how to upload evidence on B-BBEE toolkit under the ownership element
Step 1: Select the Ownership tab on the blue bar within your scorecard:
Step 2: Ensure that the “Overall Evidence” widget is enabled. If it is not, click on the “Add Widget” box and tick on “Overall Evidence”:
Step 3: Scroll down to the “Overall Evidence” section. You will see various documents listed and it will be indicated next to the document name whether files have been uploaded.
Step 4: To upload a particular evidence, example, if you want to upload a Verified B-BBEE Scorecard certificate, first click on the name of that document, then on the right-hand screen, click on the green + button:
Step 5: From the open window, select the file where it is saved on your pc, and save it onto the Toolkit. The number of files uploaded will now show as 1 and the name of the uploaded document appears to the right:
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