How to capture General Information :
The General Information tab on a scorecard is where users capture financial data that is a prerequisite in calculating certain elements. This is the only section in the BEEtoolkit that does not have a spreadsheet to bulk upload the required data.
The general information tab is accessible via the following steps :
- On the Dashboard , by selecting scorecard that you would like to populate the information on by either clicking on open scorecard
- Or by clicking on ‘view all’ to open up all your scorecards
- The list of your scorecards will open, select the scorecard you would like to work on by clicking on description of the scorecard
- You will automatically land on Scorecard Insights, on the same blue bar click on General information (It should be white once selected & the rest of the tabs blue)
- Under General Information we capture the following financial information:
Revenue (or Turnover) is captured as per below and refers to The total income of an entity from its operations for the scorecard/measurement period.
Value of the business is captured as per below. This figure is only required when calculating an Ownership score using the summary ownership data of the entity (option 2 on the Ownership tab).
Net Profit after Tax (NPAT) is captured as per below for the calculation of ED,SD & SED
Should the company run at a loss, or should the company’s profit margin (NPAT/Revenue) fail to meet a quarter of the industry norm selected, then the system will request the previous 4 years revenue and NPAT, populated click save button
Leviable Amount - The Skills Development Levy total for the scorecard period as reflected on the Monthly Employee Declaration (EMP 201) submitted to SARS multiplied by 100. If you have precalculated the amount you can populate it as per below
You have an option to capture monthly SDL paid to SARS as per EMP201. Once captured, click save button at the bottom of the calculator and the Leviable amount will reflect accordingly.
To select the applicable Industry norm click the dropdown arrow and select the applicable one.
The ‘Apply average industry norm’ box can be ticked if your Verification Agency applies it.
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