When it comes to Skills Development (Skills), most companies have quite a good grasp of how to maximize their score. However, the Skills score is till reliant on a verification agency finding the information sufficient to substantiate the Skills claim. For this reason, we provide a list of potential documentation as well as the reason why they may be required:
- Your Company's Leviable Amount. This is required to calculate your targets for all expenditure indicators. This is normal confirmed by the EMP201 document, this is normally given to you from SARS for your Payroll payments to them.
- Total number of employees.This is needed to confirm the target for learnerships. The payroll report will normally be used to confirm the number of employees.
- Annual Training Report. Is a report of all your training that you have done for the year that is submitted to the SETA on yearly basis and is a pre-requisite before you allowed to score points for Skills Development.
- Workplace Skills Plan. Is a plan of all your training that you need to do for the year that is submitted to the SETA on yearly basis and is a pre-requisite before you allowed to score points for Skills Development.
- Pivotal Report. Is a report of all your scare skills training that you have done for the year that is submitted to the SETA on yearly basis and is a pre-requisite before you allowed to score points for Skills Development.
- Priority Skills Plan. This is a plan specifically for training black people on the scare skills within a specific industry or SETA sector.
- Training Tracking Tool. Why do you need a training tracking tool and why is it important? A training tracking tool is used to track your learners progress on the learnership programme that they on. Whether they still busy or if they have completed the learnership programme and they were not absorbed. You will need to track them. This is a pre-requisite to scoring the absorption bonus points.
- Claimable Training Programmes. You allowed to claim external and internal training if they can be accounted for by the Skills Matrix and that you have the evidence to proof that the training occurred.
- Skills Matrix. The Skills matrix show the possible training programmes you can claim for Skills Development. It will show you the category, Programme description, Narrative description and the learning achievements. This must be read as one when deciding which category, you training programme should fall under. Please see below copy of the Skills Matrix.
- Overhead Cost. This is cost that is not actual training but is derived from assisting training. This could be training facility cost, training department cost, catering cost and accommodation etc.
- Evidence required. You will need to proof attendance. This will be done by either an attendance registers or a certificate. You will need proof a cost associated with the training. This will either be a training invoice and proof of payment or the person payslip who is conducting the training. Please note you can only use the hourly rate times the number hours of the training for the person conducting the training as the training course cost for Category G training.
P.S. This document serves only as a guide of the most commonly requested documents. Certain verification agencies may require more or less information.
Template Explained:
Training Program Name: Name of the Training Programme
Category: This is the skills category that you skills programme qualifies as.
ABET: Adult Basic Education Training
Mandatory Training: This is legislated required training that companies have to adhere as per law.
Training Provider: Name of the training Provided who conducted the training.
Province: The province where the training occurred.
Municipality: The municipality where the training occurred.
Learner Name: Name of the learner who attend the training.
ID Number: ID number of the learner who attended the training.
Gender: The gender of the learner who attended the training.
Race: The race of the learner who attended the training.
Disabled: Confirm whether the learner is disabled or not.
Foreign: Confirm whether the learner is a foreigner or not.
Age: What is the age of the learner.
Employed: Confirm what the employment status of the leaner is.
Completed: Confirm whether the learner completed their internship, learnership or apprenticeship:
Absorbed: Confirm whether the learner was absorbed by the business.
Course Cost: The cost of the training initiative.
Travel Cost: The cost of people travelling for training.
Accommodation Cost: The cost of accommodation of people attending the training.
Catering Cost: The cost of catering used in training.
Stationery Cost: The cost of stationery used in training.
Training Facility Cost: Cost of the training facility.
Salary Cost (category B,C,D only): Salary of the learners who are Category B,C,D learnership programmes.
Other Costs: Any other cost that you want to account for.
Start Date (format: dd/mm/yyyy): Start date of the training programme
End Date (format: dd/mm/yyyy): End date of the training programme
Custom Data: Any data that you want to add that the spreadsheet does not cover.
Man hours: The hours that has been spent on the training.
Location: This can be the location of where the company is situated.
Business Unit: The business unit of the business
Employee Code: Employee code for the employee or learner
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