For the Management Control element, sufficient evidence is required to prove that the individuals being claimed as employees of the measured entity (from Directors to Unskilled employees) are genuinely in the employment of the company. This element is measured as at the time of verification, meaning the people listed on the claim should still be with the company when the audit takes place. Below is the list of documentation to be submitted as supporting evidence:
- COR39 to confirm the directors listed on the company’s board.
- Minutes of Board Meetings. The minutes will reflect the involvement of Directors claimed to be partaking in the strategic and daily management of the business.
- EEA2 & EEA4 Reports submitted to the Department of Labour. These documents will give an indication of headcount on different management levels, as well as the income differentials for the levels, respectively.
- EEA1 Forms completed by employees. This is a formal declaration of each employee in terms of their personal status, including their disability status.
- Medical Certificate for employees living with a disability.
- Company Job Grading which indicates the allocation of occupational positions to the relevant management levels.
- Latest Payroll. The latest payroll will confirm the number of people currently employed and the salary costs for each employee.
- Salary Slips for the sampled employees. The slips are used to be matched to the payroll and confirm employees’ income.
- Employment Contracts for the sampled employees. These documents confirm the occupation and roles of the employees in their different management levels.
- ID Copies of the sampled employees. The ID copies are used to confirm the personal details of the individuals.
P.S. This document serves only as a guide of the most commonly requested documents. Certain verification agencies may require more or less information.
Template Explained:
Full Name : Name and surname of the employee.
Gender : The sex of the individual, male or female.
Race : The ethnic group to which the individual belongs to. African, Indian
Coloured or White
Designation : The level of management as per company grading and EEA2 report.
Executive Director, Non-Executive Director, Other Executive Manager,
Senior Manager, Middle Manager, Junior Manager, Semi-skilled or
Disabled : Is the employee a person living with a disability, it must be confirmed by a
declaration in an EEA1 form.
Foreign : Is the person of any other nationality except for a South African citizen.
ID Number : The 13-digit identity number for South Africans or a passport number for
foreign nationals.
Voting Rights : These would be the voting rights, in percentages, for the board members
of the measured entity. Note that it is only applicable to Executive and
Non-Executive Directors, the rest of the employees will have none.
Location : This would be where the employee is physically located in terms of where
they report for work if the measured entity has different offices/branches.
Business Unit : This could refer to the department, cost centre or business unit under
which the employee works.
Employee Code: The unique employee or personnel number used to identify individuals in a
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