General financial information is captured from a measured entity's current management accounts or audited financial statements. This financial information is used in the calculation of certain indicators within the Ownership, Skills Development, Enterprise Development, Supplier Development and Socio-Economic Development elements.
- Revenue (or Turnover) - The total income of an entity from its operations for the scorecard/measurement period.
- Value of the business - The Rand-based value of the company, as at the date of verification. This figure is only required when calculating an Ownership score using the summary ownership data of the entity (option 2 on the Ownership tab).
- Leviable Amount - The Skills Development Levy total for the scorecard period as reflected on the Monthly Employee Declaration (EMP 201) submitted to SARS, multiplied by 100.
- Net Profit after Tax (NPAT) - The operating profit (or loss) of the entity after tax, for the scorecard period. This figure is used to calculate the targets for Enterprise Development and Socio-Economic Development.
- Industry - This indicates the industry in which an entity operates, and is used to determine the industry norm to which the entity is subject (see 'Industry Norm' below).
- Industry Norm - Industry Norm figures are obtained for each industry from Stats SA on a quarterly basis. These norms are used to calculate an entity's Enterprise Development, Supplier development and Socio-Economic Development targets under certain circumstances (see 'Indicative Profit Margin' below).
- Indicative profit margin - the profit margin in the last year where the company’s profit margin is at least one quarter of the industry norm.
- Empowering Supplier Status - All Supplier certificates have been deemed to automatically be awarded Empowering supplier status by the Dti in gazette number 38799 of 15/05/2015. This is not to be confused with Value Adding Supplier status. Value Adding Status in not related to Empowering status at all and if a Certificate states value adding yes/no, it has no effect on Empowering status.
- Labour Costs - The total amount of remuneration (cost to company) paid by an entity to its employees for the scorecard period, as reflected in the entity’s management accounts or financial statements.
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