Uploading From a spreadsheet
1. Click on Open scorecard icon (View All) from the dashboard page, as depicted below:
2. Select the scorecard you wish to upload information on by clicking on the description of the scorecard:
3. On the blue bar, Select the applicable element that you wish to upload the evidence on by clicking on the name of that element :
4. Once on the Skills Development element, Ensure that the pre requisite questions are answered/ticked "Yes":
5. Scroll all the way down until you find click on "From a spreadsheet ":
6. Follow the steps below to download the template (Excel format). The spreadsheet is format sensitive, ensure to copy & ‘Paste values’ when transferring data from another document to this template. Normal pasting may result in the system not accepting the spreadsheet as it is format sensitive. Once you have populated the required data and saved it on your device, you will select “Choose File”:
7. Once you have populated the required data and saved it on your device, you will select “Choose File”, select the spreadsheet and click “ Open”:
8. The name of the spreadsheet should appear on the next to “Choose File” & you will then Click “Save” thereafter:
9. A banner will appear alerting you that the spreadsheet is being Imported:
10. A red banner will appear should there be any errors on the spreadsheet. To view the errors, you will click on the “View errors” icon. The errors will be listed as per image below. You can rectify those errors on your spreadsheet and follow the steps above to reupload your spreadsheet:
11. When the spreadsheet has been imported and clear of all errors the Training programmes will be displayed as below:
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